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SplashMaker+ : Platform Integration

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Availability: Premium Packages Only

In addition to the core SplashMaker plugin and our SmartDoc/SmartApp themes, our premium SplashMaker+ packages also include our Platform Integration suite for Splashmetrics and other leading MA/CRM platforms. These powerful, time-saving integrations guide and automate much of the setup for your SmartContent assets, as well as their connections to your Buyer Journeys and the MarTech stack you use to run them.

Select your integration package below for more information…

The +Splashmetrics integration consists of the following components…

SplashLogic Sync

SplashMaker can automatically set up many of the needed features for your SmartContent asset when you sync it with Splashmetrics. If you are a content creator working from a SplashLogic specification (i.e. – your Client is using Splashmetrics), syncing with that specification will automatically create and/or populate items such as the Personalization Form, Dynamic Content versions, SmartCTAs, RippleScripts, DataPoint Testing, etc.

To sync with your SplashLogic spec, just enter the URL for the spec you received from your client and select the “Sync With Spec” button. A successful sync will be indicated. This connection will be maintained until you choose to disconnect from the spec.

IMPORTANT: We recommend disconnecting when the initiative (or “Splash”) using this asset is launched

When connected, you will see the the following section (shown in the image above)…

SplashMaker Automation Tools: First, you’ll see where this SmartContent asset sits in the Buyer Journey Flow stages which is helpful in understanding the level of qualification and knowledge the Buyer will have at this stage.

Next, select the items in SplashMaker you’d like to sync. SplashMaker will automatically create the various items (forms, scripts, pages, etc.) based on what is specified in your SplashLogic spec, saving you a tremendous amount of time and effort.

Finally, you’ll notice the datapoint tester to the right. After you’ve assigned in your content the Analytics Datapoints from the next tab below, come back here to be sure your smart content is reporting the correct metrics to the Splashmetrics Analyze component. This way, you’re confident that your client is receiving the measurement data they expect.

These tools work together to automatically ensure you’re building this SmartContent asset to the exact specifications given you by your client.


These are standard analytics datapoints that report back to the Splashmetrics Analyze component when assigned to a various actions within the asset. These can be click-based and/or script-based actions as need be.

Based on the SplashLogic spec, you need to determine where these are used in your SmartContent asset.

To use them just click in the blue field to copy the datapoint to your clipboard. Then apply it as follows:

Click-Based Datapoints: These datapoints are CSS-based and can be assigned to buttons, text, links, etc. as a class.

Script-Based Datapoints: These datapoints are typically variable- and script-based and can be assigned to interactions, inputs, scoring, etc. Any of the above datapoints can be reported this way instead of by click if required by using the shown syntax in your javascript.

To make things easier for you, we have already assigned these analytics datapoints to various components in the SmartDoc Dynamic Content pages (Version01 and 02) such as CTA buttons, interactive widgets, etc. So you only need to do the above if you are adding custom components, etc.

The +HubSpot integration consists of the following components…

HubSpot Account

This component allows for connection to a specific HubSpot account via OAuth.

If this is the first SplashMaker asset you are connecting to your HubSpot account, you’ll see the Package License Key you used to activate this SplashMaker+ package already populating the blue field.

Important Note: If SplashMaker detects an existing SmartToken account for your entered License Key (i.e. – you’ve already been through this initial connection process), the key will be shown as asterisks and the Connect button will automatically activate. Just select that button to finalize the connection to HubSpot.

Next, select the Get SmartTokens button.

This will open a new tab and direct you to your HubSpot account(s). If you are not logged in to HubSpot, you will be required to do so. Simply select the account you want to connect to and approve the connection.

You will then be redirected to the SmartTokens page shown here…

The SmartTokens for your connection are automatically generated in the background. So all you need to do at this point is paste your License Key into the provided field to save your SmartToken account.

Once that’s done, simply return to the SplashMaker asset in your other tab and refresh the page. SplashMaker will detect the new SmartToken account and activate the Connect button. Select that Connect button to finalize the connection to HubSpot.

When the connection is successful you’ll see the orange indicator with your HubSpot account number listed…

That’s it! You’re connected!

NOTE: If you see a “Couldn’t complete the connection.” error from HubSpot, that likely means your SmartToken account has not yet been set up. Please contact us via the chatbot us if that’s the case.

HubSpot Mapping

This section allows you to map various Personalization Form and RippleWidget items directly to HubSpot Contact Properties (standard and/or custom) so that these items can be passed immediately and seamlessly into HubSpot.

This section should already be populated with the items currently in the Personalization Form.

Before you work with this section, first make sure you have made all necessary changes to the Personalization Form component.

On your first time into this page after setting up the Personalization Form, you’ll see that the Save button is activated (as shown above). Select that button and SplashMaker will automatically create the appropriate mapping and tokens for these standard properties.

When this page is saved, and if you have already connected your HubSpot account like above, SplashMaker automatically maps all Standard Form items/fields for you and shows the related internal names/tokens from HubSpot.

For items that are not Standard contact fields in HubSpot, you will need to use the pulldown to manually map them to either existing contact properties within your HubSpot account, or to custom properties you’ve created to track specific datapoints.

You can see in the image above that the “Your Role” DCD item is mapped to a custom contact property in our HubSpot account for that data.

Now, select the Save button to add this new mapping item.

We have pre-coded many of the Buyer Data passes into HubSpot for you. However, in order for them to work, you must create custom properties (simple text fields) in HubSpot. Click here for information on how to set up those properties.

For example, the RippleWidget SmartChart and SmartQuiz components can pass not only the selection(s) made from the dropdown, but also a “Buyer Action Alert” if the Buyer selection indicates they are a qualified sales lead. Therefore, you must create a custom property with that title – and the “buyer_action_alert” internal code for this to work correctly.

Also, remember that if you map an item to a standard HubSpot property that has its own specific list of optionsyou must pass one of those existing options for it to work correctly.

For more details on how all this works, see the PRO TIP section at the bottom of this page.

Finally, after you’ve saved your mapping, if you make any changes to the Personalization Form you will need to come back here to ensure they are reflected in the mapping as well.

For that you have two options…

If the changes were extensive, or if you changed the DCD item label, you can just use the “Sync With Form” item to auto sync the mapping with the Personalization Form items. Just note that you’ll have to manually add back any RippleWidget items (like the SmartChart) after the sync.

On the other hand, if you’ve just added one or two fields to the form, you’ll see the “Add Form Item” dropdown and can add them from there.

Important! Keeping the Personalization Form and HubSpot Mapping in sync is very important for the Smart CTAs component to work properly. If all the fields are not accounted for, the link won’t work correctly.

This approach provides significant time-savings in areas where the items are standard and known – but also provides full flexibility for those items that you need more custom control over.

HubSpot Log

This section simply records the data submitted into HubSpot from the asset via the OAuth connection.

Here you can see the ID, Status, Response, and Submission Date of each submission. No sensitive information is maintained here. It is just a means of ensuring the flow of data is proceeding as expected.

More Settings

Now, with the custom capabilities of both the Personalization Form and the HubSpot Mapping components, there are many ways for you to creatively customize data that is moving between SplashMaker content assets and HubSpot for each asset.

But this Asset Site ID setting is actually a very powerful and somewhat critical component if you intend to have multiple SplashMaker+ assets and/or full Buyer Journeys using SplashMaker+.

The tag you put here is automatically appended to both the SmartCTAs link and to the custom Buyer Data items you push into HubSpot from user interactions in the content, so you know exactly where the data is coming from

For example, maybe you are building Smart eBooks for multiple divisions or products for your enterprise. Adding this Asset Site ID will let you know in HubSpot which division’s/product’s eBook a particular Buyer is interacting with.

So, this setting allows you to scale your content marketing efforts up to an enterprise level with clear attribution for every single asset across every single Buyer Journey.


PRO TIP: There is a lot of power in SplashMaker+ as it relates to how you use it with MA/CRM platforms like HubSpot. For example, the SmartCTA, which is driven by this mapping, allows you to send known Buyers directly to the custom version of your content without the need for the form or cookies. But this requires some thinking a proper setup.

For example scenarios on how to set things up properly in HubSpot, visit the help page here.