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SplashMaker : Personalization Form

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Availability: All Packages

This component comes with both the free and premium packages of SplashMaker. It’s functionality and usage differ depending on the package. The main information below is for our premium SplashMaker packages. But you will also see the differences for the Basic version noted below (just click the + expanding link).

The UI is pretty straightforward, but as with many pages in SplashMaker, you can use the info-pop-ups to get more information on each item as necessary. Also, you’ll notice that you can drag-and-drop the order of the fields as desired. Just use the icon to the right of the row.

If you are coming to this component just after installation, you must first complete and save the form to make it work. Until you save this configuration the form will be empty as shown here…

In our SplashMaker+ premium packages, the background of this landing page is automated and pulls from whatever Dynamic Content page you select. See the Dynamic Content section for more information.

If you only have the SplashMaker Basic plugin and are building your own content, you will need to find/build this landing page yourself and use the shortcodes described in the “SplashMaker Basic Difference” section below to get the above automated result.

Prior to saving the form, add the labels for the Dynamic Content Driver dropdown and the Submit button. When you save, you’ll see confirmation of the save at the top of the page…

In the SplashMaker+ premium packages Email is a required field for integrations and cannot be deleted. Also, the Personalization Tokens for the First Name, Job Title, and Company fields are used in the Dynamic Content pages. So if you delete them here, you will need to correct that in those pages.

The form should now generally look like this on the Landing Page of your premium package…

Now let’s take a look at the various parts of the Personalization Form component…

Make sure to look below for information on how SplashMaker provides powerful Formless and Cookieless Content Journeys.

Form Fields

Personalization Token: Use these tokens in your Dynamic Content headings, paragraph copy, etc. to personalize that text for the Buyer. For example if you enter “Hi [splash_token field=first_name]!” The Buyer’s first name will be used in that spot. To copy a token for use in your content, simply click in its blue field and use your preferred method of copying that item to your clipboard.

Email: You’ll notice that by default, we already have the Email form item here. The reason for this is that most Marketing Automation and CRM platforms require emails for their forms/contacts. However, as you’ll see in the info-pop-up, if you are using the free version of SplashMaker, you can delete this field if you’d like to create a fully custom form. Otherwise, if you have a third-party integration, it is locked so that data syncing is possible.

Dynamic Content Driver (DCD): This is another default item in the form. It determines which Dynamic Content page is served to the user based on their selection. The dropdown values are automatically generated based on the titles of the Dynamic Content pages you create. So just create the pages/versions you want to offer, enter a label for this dropdown to match the context of those pages/versions, and SplashMaker takes care of the rest.

Form Pop-Up Shortcode: If you have one of our SplashMaker+ premium packages or SmartDoc themes, we have already taken care of this for you as shown in the images above.

If you are using the SplashMaker Basic plugin, here is what you need to do to generally replicate what you see above…

The SplashMaker basic plugin does not come with any of the SmartDoc theme content shown in the screenshots here. Therefore you will need to take care of this yourself.

The first page you need to have is the simple Custom page mentioned in the installation instructions.

Additionally, you need to find/create your own landing page. If you have an existing front page you’ll be using, skip this next step and go to the Form Popup Shortcode section below. If you’re creating a new one, you can name it whatever you’d like – just make sure it’s set to be the “Front Page”…

Next copy the Form Popup Shortcode from the Personalization Form page by clicking in that blue field (see image above) and embed it on your landing page as shown here.

Though SplashMaker automatically centers the form in the main page area, darkens the background, and locks the scrolling for you, be aware that you will need to style that page (e.g. – remove headers, etc.) and the form itself to your desired look and feel. This is what the page looks like with no additional styling using the standard Twenty Twenty-One theme.

You can see that you’ll need to do some work on this page and the form to make it work with whatever theme you are using.

Finally, to enable the use of your actual dynamic content page as the background of the landing page as shown in the above screenshots, you can add the short code shown here…

Just use the Post ID for the page you want to use as the background and that’s all it takes to create a seamless experience for the Buyer!

The pop-up will automatically present this form to allow the user to drive the Dynamic Content Experiences you’ve defined for this asset.

Add Fields

There are 2 types of fields that can be added to the form, Standard and Custom. Simply make a Standard field selection, or enter the name of the Custom field you want to create and select “Add Field” as appropriate. The new field(s) will show up in the “Added Fields” section and the “Save Form” button will turn red indicating the change. Select that button to save the configuration and move these new fields to the form section above.

Here are the unique distinctions between the field types…

Add Standard Field: This will add the basic standard fields that are typically in forms. These are already fully mapped and correctly tokenized for you. Also, if you are using one of our premium packages with a Marketing Automation integration, these will be auto-mapped to that platform by SplashMaker – saving you a great deal of time and trouble.

Note: You will only see this if you have deleted one of the existing standard fields that are pre-populated in the form. This allows you to add back whatever you’ve deleted.

Add Custom Field: This will add various custom field types such as Hidden, Text, TextArea, and Select. You can name the field as you see fit, and SplashMaker will use that to create the Personalization Token.

Formless & Cookieless Content Experiences

One of the most powerful aspects of SplashMaker, available in all packages, is that if you already have the form information for known Buyers in a platform like HubSpot or Pardot (e.g. – an ABM effort), they can completely bypass this form and go directly into the fully personalized experience. Furthermore, those known Buyers – as well as those new Buyers who do fill in this first form – can then move to successive SplashMaker personalized content experiences thereafter with no other forms or cookies required.

All of our SplashMaker packages, including the Basic packag, have this capability built in. The way you leverage it is a bit different between packages.

Our premium packages automate this entire process for the specific MA/CRM platform with which you have integrated via the Smart CTAs component. But let’s take a look at the various parts involved and how you can do it manually if you’re not using our premium packages.

If you have the SplashMaker Basic plugin, or are using one of our standalone SmartDoc Themes, you will need to manually build your own “tokenized” SmartCTA URL to use in your MA/CRM platform email or landing page.

The easiest way to do this is do a test fill of the form and submit to get to the Dynamic Content version you want to see. SplashMaker will automatically generate the SmartLink URL with all the parameters needed. You can then copy that URL and make manual edits as necessary to bring specific Buyers directly into the SmartDoc with no form.

Then, as noted above, this user can move to other SplashMaker assets with this same customization, but no form or cookies required.

Obviously, each of these MA/CRM platforms will have slightly different syntax for the SmartCTA tokenized link, but it’s actually pretty straightforward. Here is an example link that you would use in HubSpot:{{}}&firstname={{contact.firstname}}&lastname={{contact.lastname}}&company={{}}&jobtitle={{contact.jobtitle}}&your_role={{contact.hs_buying_role}}

The items on the left side of the = signs, such as “email”, “company”, and “jobtitle” relate to what you see in the Fields/Labels (all lower-case and no spaces) of your Personalization Form. This link also needs to include the Dynamic Content Driver option from the form to serve up the right content for the user. In this case that’s the “your_role” item. Yours will likely be different. So make sure all the fields in your Personalization Form are covered in this link.

The {{…}} items on the right side of the = signs are the correlating personalization tokens from, in this case, HubSpot – such as jobtitle={contact.jobtitle}. Again, just make sure you have all the field items mapped to a correlating token in HubSpot.

When this link is used within HubSpot on a text link or button in an email or on a landing page, as long as all the information is there within HubSpot the Buyer completely bypasses the form but still gets the fully personalized experience.

Pardot and Marketo work much the same way, they just have their own token syntax for the {…} tokens. Just look up that info and give it a try!

Finally, if any information specified in the Personalization Form is missing for the Buyer in the MA/CRM package, SplashMaker will automatically send them to the form page with all the known information already filled in. They just have to provide the missing {…} field(s) – and they can continue their seamless, formless SplashMaker journey from there.

For more details on how the Personalization Form item works with MA/CRM integrations, select your integration: Splashmetrics, HubSpot.


All blue fields in the SplashMaker UI are auto-generated, auto-copy items. Just click in the field to copy its contents to your clipboard for use in other areas of your Smart Content, etc.