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SplashLogic : CTAs

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Best Practices: Though it is well known that clear CTAs are the bedrock of effective marketing content, what is often overlooked is the “directionality” of those CTAs. In other words, in the Buyer Journey CTAs need to always create the pathway for the Buyer to either self-progress to the next Stage of the Flow, Nurture within that same Stage perhaps, Jump to a deeper stage in such cases where, for example, they might be ready to engage with sales. 

Section Specifics: Splashmetrics leverages Ripple to automatically create the URLs for your client’s content-to-content and stage-to-stage CTA links (the blue items). Your client decides which Nurture assets in the stage are linked to the Smart Content experience – and to other Nurture assets. Finally, your client has created custom CTAs in any content asset to provide rich pathways through the Flow and/or to items or assets that fall outside the Flow.