How Can We Help?
SmartDoc Theme : Overview
Instead of traditional PDFs for your eBooks, Case Studies, White Papers, Data Sheets, etc. – imagine dynamically-customizing and fully-responsive digital versions that automatically personalize to each and every Buyer. Yet, those Buyers can still save that personalized document to a traditional PDF – it’s just a completely bespoke version that only they will have. Now that’s powerful! That’s SplashMaker SmartDocs.
The SmartDoc Theme package for WordPress provides 2 distinct versions of a fully-responsive* SmartDoc that is already set up to do all of the above and is ready for you to edit and make your own.
For example, the extremely light-yet-powerful theme package provides all the needed free plugins for the content as shown (including the SplashMaker Basic plugin). We’ve even set up and formatted the print feature for you so that the end-user can print or save their custom SmartDoc as a PDF!

All you do is swap out the imagery and copy and you’re done!
So, with the SmartDoc Theme you can quickly – and affordably – create dynamically customizing eBooks, Case Studies, White Papers, Data Sheets and much, much more. All for what you would likely pay for outmoded static PDFs!
But – you can also take the design even further with other favorite WordPress plugins, widgets, etc. to make your Buyer Content Experiences like nothing else on the market. The sky’s the limit!

(NOTE: For more information on SplashMaker itself, please click here.)
Version01 Screenshots