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Global Drivers : Objectives

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Best Practices
You (and all the downstream Tiers in your organization) need to know exactly what you want to achieve with your self-serve sales efforts before you begin – and how you want to evaluate the success of those efforts via your analytics. That’s where Objectives come in. Your mission-critical business, marketing, and/or sales objectives lay the strategic foundation upon which all your self-serve sales efforts are built. This ensures that everyone on every team is always on the same page from start to finish. Objectives also serve to organize and contextualize your measurement so that you and your teams have very focused, clear analytics by which to take specific action on any and every part of your strategic plan.

Section Specifics
As you can see, one Objective is already present for every Splash: “Drive Actionable Egagements”. When you launch this Splash, you’ll see a collection of standard reports (or “Drops”) under this Objective in the Analyze component. These Drops all directly relate to this Objective and automatically measure many of the self-serve sales benchmarks that you will set – or that are automatically calculated for you – as you move through this Splash plan.

These Drops also serve to illustrate how you can organize Executive-Summary-Level reporting under your various Objectives in the Analyze component of Splashmetrics, giving you and your entire team immediate, actionable answers to your most critical, objectives-based questions. Context is critical for actionable analysis. And what better way to provide context for your analytics than with your own Objectives that drive everything in your entire campaign?

So take some time to think about these Objectives. They should be distinct and minimal – usually no more than 2 or 3.


The circled +/- icon allows you to duplicate the entire “bucket” of data.